Beartown Live Wreckage #1
The first relic snatched from the ether of Beartown noize happenings. Two slabs from across the decade.
SLAB #1 - Yoni Silver and Paul Watson battle it out at 5miles in Tottenham in the last musical collision before plague (March 2020). Rumbling crash panic and fuzzy mouth drones coalesce - doo doo doo, ticka ticka ticka ticker.... vvvrrrrrruuuuummm! - ya dig?
SLAB #2 - Daniel Spicer floats down (or up) from Fish Town to explore the inside of his own head. Chat clatter (different kind of clatter), bamboo sax freak-out and uninhibited gong-love all over the all over. Recorded at Ryan's Bar N16 before it became swanksville and stopped letting us in.
15 minutes per side, with "Brucie Hits The StarGate" colour artwork.